It's so funny every week at Lucky Strike I teach an advanced beginner class and every week I start off the class telling the students I want them to to the basics which is a Basic , a cross body lead and left and right turn. Every week there are are couple which struggle to even to do their basic step . After seeing people struggle I tell them politely if you had troble executing the 4 basic moves you need to go over to the the basic class. Every week there are 4 to 5 couples who have not a clue of what they are dong who insist on staying in the class .The problem is I have the students rotate in the class and the people who are at that level get stuck with practicing with people who cannot lead or follow well and their potential of growing is stunted by dancing with people who should not be in the class.
I am going to eventually have to figure something out by telling certain people they should not be in class without embarrassing them